Freeze Reckons Yoruba Men Need Marry Igbo Women to Make It in Life

Controversial media personality Freeze agrees with the point of view of one Chiekezi Dozie that Yoruba men need to marry igbo women to be successful.
He wrote on his page,
I kinda agree…especially since I am Yoruba myself…From my ‘little’ experience, gathered during my university days and early bachelorhood and with body count on both sides, (before I gave my life to Christ), I can, through my own experience, say that Igbo girls are so much cleaner, more respectful, value marriage more, less argumentative and problematic, treat husbands better, are more beautiful, have sexier bodies, are more family oriented, cook better and are much more enterprising than Yoruba ladies. Unfortunately, I have never dated a Hausa, Fulani, Efik or Kalabari woman so I can’t comment on those. But if I were to pick between Yoruba and Igbo women, Na Igbo all the way o! Igbo kwenu! ~FRZDo you agree?
It’s not fight o, if you agree tell me why, and if you disagree let’s disagree amicably, as your experience could have been totally different from mine. #MenTalk