Tuesday 21 March 2017

ENTERTAINMENT: Honourable House of Liberty celebrate the 44th birthday of Prophet Reuben N Ireh on (March 16, 2017)

Honourable House of Liberty celebrate their Father in the Lord "Prophet Reuben N Ireh" The founder and general overseer of Honourable House of Liberty, is set to celebrate his 44th birthday. 

Prophet Reuben N Ireh is happily married to the great gospel singer and minister of God's Word through her life.

To spice up his birthday celebration some gospel artiste such as Edgar Snazzy, The Eagles, MC Butter Mint, MC Chikaraw etc. has been featured to make his day a blissful and memorable one.

Come and Join us Celebrate and you will forever remain blessed ....

Date: March 26, 2017....
Time: 9am....
Venue: Honourable House of Liberty, off utagba uno Street Chidi Close, Kwale Delta State....

............ DON'T MISS IT