Tuesday 27 December 2016

Question Of The Day:- What Was Your Ambition When You Were Much Younger & What Are You Now?


We all have a Dream of becoming one thing or the other when we were much younger, Some will achieve theirs while some won’t. There are various conditions which affects our dream of becoming what we want to be.

Some dreams are let go due to lack of Money, Lack of Motivation or the Poor Educational system in the Country and some other numerous issues who can’t finish listing if we decide to start listing them.

Some people are lucky enough to become what they wanted to be, but some are not lucky enough and they just have to wake up from their sleep to chase another thing just to make ends meet. Some ended up Miserable and some ended up Thanking God for choosing another dream.

Now, We are asking you “What Was Your Ambition When You Were Much Younger & What Are You Now?
Kindly drop your Comments and tell us what changed your Plans.